White Pocket was one of the most interesting places I've ever been. This plant is so unbelievably unusual. There were balloons instead of flowers.
We thought we could drive a lot closer. When we realized we had to go 10 miles each way, not a cloud in the sky, in deep, soft sand, we feared we wouldn't have time. We each loaded up with over a gallon of water each and walked/jogged/ran. A guy in a 4x4 past us going the other way and wagged his head like we were fools marching to our certain deaths. I wore as much white as I could.
The rocks were like bacon.
Paul in his element, running back to the cars.
We sat on a weird rock (all the rocks were weird).
I tried to take a pyhoto thru my glasses, but it didn't work very well.
The eclipse was awesome from the Paria Plateau (photo by Markus Muller)...
(Any resemblance to Devo is purely coincidental.)